Nick Carter

Nick Carter

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Updated On November 15, 2021
Height (Inches)
Height (Feet / Inches)
Height (Meters)
Height (Centimeters)

American singer, best known for being part of Backstreet Boys. In People it mentioned “in 2006 he hit an all-time high of 224 lbs., a direct result of his partying. “Healthwise, I was feeling gross, getting bigger,” says the 6-ft. Carter”. He has also been described as tall as 6ft 2 in magazines, although at the start of his pop career he wrote down his height and weight as “6’0″ and 160 lbs”

Below is the chart showing the comparison of Nick Carter's height with other similar heights. The selected celebrities for comparison include Terry Farrell, Dave Chappelle, David Henrie, Amaia Salamanca.