Judy Reyes

Judy Reyes

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Updated On November 14, 2021
Height (Inches)
Height (Feet / Inches)
Height (Meters)
Height (Centimeters)

American Actress known for playing Nurse Carla in TV comedy Scrubs.

Judy Reyes  Height, weight & body measurement

Judy Reyes HeightWeight, Age, Body Statistics are here. Her height -1.62 m and weight -53 kg. Read all about her facts and biography.

Judy Reyes  Net worth

Judy Reyes is an American actress who has a net worth of $6 million dollars.

Judy Reyes facts

  • Judy Reyes is an American Actress, Model and Producer, best known for her roles as Carla Espinosa on the NBC/ABC medical comedy series Scrubs, and as Zoila Diaz in the Lifetime comedy-drama Devious Maids.
  • Beginning in 2017, she stars as Annalise “Quiet Ann” Zayas in the TNT crime comedy-drama Claws.
Below is the chart showing the comparison of Judy Reyes's height with other similar heights. The selected celebrities for comparison include Emily Watson, Frank Finlay, Katie McGlynn, Portia De Rossi.