Donald Glover

Donald Glover

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Updated On November 16, 2021
Height (Inches)
Height (Feet / Inches)
Height (Meters)
Height (Centimeters)

American actor, musician (Childish Gambino) known for playing Troy Barnes on TV series Community and appearances in films like Solo: A Star Wars Story, The Martian and Magic Mike XXL.

Donald Glover Height, weight & body measurement

Donald Glover Height Weight Body Statistics. Donald Glover Height -1.75 m, Weight -79 kg, Measurements, chest, biceps, girlfriend, shoe size.

Donald Glover Net worth

Donald Glover is an American actor, comedian, writer, producer, director, musician and DJ who has a net worth of $35 million.

Donald Glover facts

  • Born at Edwards Air Force Base in 1983 but raised in Stone Mountain, Georgia, Donald Glover would grow up to be one of the most respected and exciting talents of his generation, proving that he, to quote his Saturday Night Live opening monologue song, “really can do anything.”
  • He is a master of busting guts (as evident
Below is the chart showing the comparison of Donald Glover's height with other similar heights. The selected celebrities for comparison include David Blue, Aaron Jeffery, Bess Armstrong, Lillian Gish.