Bobby Darin

Bobby Darin

Most Popular
Updated On November 11, 2021
Height (Inches)
Height (Feet / Inches)
Height (Meters)
Height (Centimeters)

American Singer, best remembered for songs such as “Mack the Knife”, “Dream Lover” and “Beyond he Sea”. In a David Frost interview he reveals an interesting couple of facts: “I went out and had these special shoes made. It’s nothing new, I don’t know if you know, John Wayne is 6’4 and wears 3-4 inch lifts in his shoes. I don’t know who he wants to be bigger than, but he does and it an old, old custom, I certainly did not invent it. In my case, it was more neccesary than it was for Duke Wayne. I had these shoes made and 2 to 3 inch lifts inside and the heel was another 2 and half inches or so and I walked around that way, wherever I could without falling over”In a 1959 article just after he began to become famous with Splish Spash etc, it states “he stands five- nine-and-a-half”.

Below is the chart showing the comparison of Bobby Darin's height with other similar heights. The selected celebrities for comparison include Rachel Ward, Sofia Reyes, Nigel Davenport, Dean OGorman.