Akira Kurosawa

Akira Kurosawa

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Updated On November 27, 2021
Height (Inches)
Height (Feet / Inches)
Height (Meters)
Height (Centimeters)

Japanese film director best remembered for helming movies such as Seven Samurai, Ran, Yojimbo, Rashomon, The Hidden Fortress, Throne of Blood, Ikiru, The Idiot, High and Low, Red Beard and Kagemusha. In his book ‘Something Like an Autobiography’ he mentioned his height and weight, saying “She looked up at this person who had nearly reached six feet and more than 150 pounds.”

Below is the chart showing the comparison of Akira Kurosawa's height with other similar heights. The selected celebrities for comparison include Charlie McDermott, John Hannah, Melissa Sagemiller, Tom Hardy.